Life is not always how we want it to be, and its shape needs to be forged around influences we cannot control. I have made mention that I am in Norway awaiting a Visa. I have been hoping for a work visa…no dice. UDI does not recognize personal training as a profession under their strict guidelines. I would need a guarantee of 100% work. Trainers don’t get that when they start, they work for it. Now I am protected from expulsion (or leaving voluntarily) with a family reunification visa. This is wonderful and awful, I can’t work for the six months to a year that it will take to process this Visa (unless the lawyer can push it through faster), but I get to be here with my amazing wife. It is these moments in life that define people. Do I slip into depression and become useless, or do I use this gift of time to build a business and help people. The choice is evident.
I have a plan and I am going to act on it.