Living in Norway! That is the name of the game. My plan was to move here, get a work visa and then get family reunification (a broader visa). This plan was interrupted by the machinations of a narrow and overworked system. The rigid guidelines that UDI adheres to does not allow me to get a skilled workers visa for personal training. Unless I am a training consultant (which might happen) it is appears to be impossible to get a work visa. Trainers do not have offers of 100% employment; it is something we work towards.
A set back; a rather large one. I hate to be sitting around, not actively working. Instead of falling into myself and bemoaning my fate I am using my time constructively. I read and learn; I am networking with various groups and making friends. I know some really cool power lifters in the Ganddal atlet club. Bullshit strong dudes! They are inspiring to lift with and great to speak to. My workouts have exploded since entering this environment. I have access to heavy weight and strong man equipment. I am deloading this week (more info on my plan later) so my workout went like this;
4 rounds
60kg Atlas Stone lifts 5x (onto a 1.5meter platform)
12 Pullups
45m Hill Sprints 5x
Nothing too crazy but I did fast and aggressively. I used my time and I killed that workout. A couple of my Atlas stone lifts were crap so I redid them. Two of my sprints were slow, the next two weren’t. Don’t half ass anything, you are cheating yourself. Find the good in the negative situations and seize the hell out of the moments that you get.
Work hard, be strong, be healthy
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